承运人链接 定制船期表搜索 智能港对港船期表搜索 船名录















第1条 宗 旨


第2条 定 义











第3条 适用范围


第4条 总 则

1. 每个国家,不论是沿海国或内陆国,均有权使悬挂其国旗的船舶在公海上行驶。

2. 船舶具有其有权悬挂的旗帜所属国的国籍。

3. 船舶应仅悬挂一国的旗帜航行。

4. 根据第11条第4和5款以及第12条规定,任何船舶均不得同时在两个或两个以上国家的船舶登记簿上登记。

5. 除所有权确实转移或变更登记的情况外,船舶在航程中或在挂靠港内不得更换其旗帜。

第5条 国家海事主管机关

1. 船旗国应设有受其管辖和控制的有法定资格和适当的国家海事主管机关。

2. 船旗国须执行所适用的国际规则和标准,尤其是关于船舶和船上人员的安全及防止海洋环境污染的国际规则和标准。

3. 船旗国海事主管机关须确保:

(a) 悬挂该国国旗的船舶遵守其关于船舶登记的法律和规章,以及所适用的国际规则和标准,尤其是关于船舶和船上人员的安全及防止海洋环境污染的国际规则和标准,

(b) 由其授权的验船师定期检验悬挂该国国旗的船舶,以确保所适用的国际规则和标准得到遵守,

(c) 悬挂该国国旗的船舶在船上备有各种文件,尤其是证明其有权悬挂该国国旗的文件和其他有关的有效证件,包括登记国为缔约国的国际公约所要求的文件,

(d) 悬挂船旗国国旗的船舶所有人按照船旗国法律和规章及本公约各项规定,遵守船舶登记的各项原则。


第6条 识别身份和确定责任

1. 登记国应在其船舶登记簿中记入,特别是,有关船舶及其所有人的资料。如经营人不是所有人,则应按照船舶登记国的法律和规章将有关经营人的资料列入船舶登记簿或经营人官方记录,存放在登记官员处,或使之易于供登记官员查阅。登记国须颁发证书,作为船舶登记的证明。

2. 登记国须采取必要的措施,确保悬挂其国旗的船舶的所有人、经营人或对该船舶的管理和经营承担责任的其他任何人的身份容易为具有合法权益获取此类资料的人所识别。

3. 船舶登记簿应按照船旗国的法律和规章,供具有合法权益获取其中所载资料的人查阅。

4. 一国须确保悬挂其国旗的船舶携带包括有关船舶所有人、经营人或对船舶经营承担责任的人的身份资料的证件,并向港口国当局提供此类资料。

5. 所有船舶,不论其船名是否有更改,均应记录航海日志,并在最后记载之日后保留一段适当时间,且应按照船旗国的法律和规章供具有合法权益获取此类资料的人查阅和抄录。如船舶被出售且更换登记国,在出售前这段时间的航海日志应予保留,并应按照原船旗国的法律和规章供具有合法权益获取此类资料的人查阅和抄录。

6. 一国须采取必要措施确保在其船舶登记簿上登记的船舶,其所有人或经营人的身份能充分识别,以便使其承担全部责任。

7. 一国应确保悬挂其国旗的船舶的所有人与其政府当局的直接联系不受限制。

第7条 本国国民参与船舶所有权和/或船舶的人员配备


第8条 船舶所有权

1. 除须遵守第7条规定外,船旗国须在其法律和规章中,对悬挂其国旗的船舶的所有权作出规定。

2. 除须遵守第7条规定外,船旗国的这种法律和规章须就该国或其国民参与作为悬挂其国旗的船舶的所有人,或此种船舶的所有权,以及此种参与的程度作出适当的规定。这些法律和规章应充分使船旗国能够对悬挂其国旗的船舶有效地行使管辖和控制。

第9条 船舶人员配备

1. 除须遵守第7条规定外,登记国在实施本公约时,应遵守下列原则:悬挂登记国国旗的船舶所配备的高级船员和一般船员中,其本国国民,或在其境内设有住所,或合法永久居住该国的人应占有令人满意的比例。

2. 除须遵守第7条规定外,登记国在实现本条第1款规定的目标并为此采取必要的措施时,应考虑下列事项:

(a) 登记国境内合格海员的可供情况;

(b) 依照登记国法律,有效的并可实施的多边或双边协议,或其他形式的协议;

(c) 其船舶完善的和经济上有效的经营。

3. 登记国应在船舶、公司或船队的基础上实施本条第1款的规定。

4. 登记国可按照其法律和规章,允许其他国籍的人员,按照本公约有关规定,在悬挂其国旗的船舶上服务。

5. 为实现本条第1款规定的目标,登记国应该与船舶所有人合作,促进其国民,或在其境内设有住所,或合法永久居住在该国的人员的教育和培训。

6. 登记国须确保:

(a) 悬挂其国旗的船舶所配备的人员具有一定的水平和能力,以保证遵循所适用的国际规则和标准,尤其是有关海上安全的规则和标准;

(b) 悬挂其国旗的船舶的船员雇用条款和条件符合所适用的国际规则和标准;

(c) 设有适当的法律程序,以解决在悬挂其国旗的船舶上雇用的海员同其雇主之间的民事纠纷;

(d) 本国国民和外国海员在其与雇主的关系中,有同等机会诉诸有关法律程序以确保其合同权利。

第10条 船旗国在管理船舶所属公司和船舶方面的作用

1. 登记国须确保,在其船舶登记簿上登记船舶之前,依照其法律或规章在其境内设立船舶所属公司或船舶所属子公司和/或在其境内设有该公司的主要营业所。

2. 如果船舶所属公司或船舶所属子公司或其主要营业所不是设在船旗国内,船旗国须确保,在其船舶登记簿上登记船舶之前,有一名身为船旗国国民或在其境内有住所的人担任代表人或管理人。该代表人或管理人可以是在船旗国境内依照其法律和规章正当定居的自然人或适当成立或注册的法人,并正式得到授权以船舶所有人的名义和为其利益行事。尤其是,该代表或管理人应能参与任何法律诉讼,并依照登记国法律和规章承担船舶所有人的责任。

3. 登记国应确保负责管理和经营悬挂其国旗的船舶的人员能履行经营这种船舶可能引起的财务责任,以承担国际海上运输中通常投保的对第三方造成损害的风险。为此,登记国应确保悬挂其国旗的船舶能随时提供文件证明已安排充分担保,如适当的保险或任何其他类似办法。此外,登记国还应确保已有适当办法,如海事优先权、互助基金、工资保险、社会保障体制或承担责任者(不论其为所有人或经营人)所属国的适当机构提供的任何政府担保,以偿付悬挂其国旗船舶上雇主拖欠所雇船员的工资和有关费用。登记国也可为此在其法律和规章中规定任何其他适当办法。

第11条 船舶登记簿

1. 登记国须为悬挂其国旗的船舶设置登记簿,登记簿应按该国的决定和符合本公约有关规定的方法进行保管。按照一国法律和规章有权悬挂其国旗的船舶应以所有人的名义在该登记簿上登记,或依照该国法律和规章规定,以光船承租人的名义登记。

2. 这种登记簿须特别载明下列资料:

(a) 船舶名称,和以前如果有的名称,及船籍;

(b) 船舶登记地点或港口、或者船籍港以及该船官方登记号码或识别标志;

(c) 指定的船舶国际呼号;

(d) 船舶建造厂名称、建造地点和建造年份;

(e) 船舶的主要技术性能数据;

(f) 所有人的姓名、地址,并视情况载明船舶所有人或每一所有人的国籍。


(g) 船舶以前的登记注销或中止的日期;

(h) 如国家法律和规章允许光船租进的船舶登记,则载明光船承租人的姓名、地址,并视情况载明其国籍;


3. 此外,这种登记簿还应载明:

(a) 如果有一个以上的所有人,每个所有人拥有的船舶所有权份额;

(b) 如经营人不是所有人或光船承租人,载明经营人的名称、地址,并视情况载明其国籍。

4. 一国在其船舶登记簿上登记船舶之前,应确保该船以前如有的登记已经注销。

5. 如果船舶系光船租进,一国应确保其悬挂前船旗国国旗的权利已中止。进行此种登记须凭出示证据,表明船舶前船旗国国籍的以前的登记已中止,并表明登记的任何债务的情况。

第12条 光船租赁

1. 一国可根据第11条的规定并按照其法律和规章,准许本国的承租人以光船租进的船舶在租赁期内进行登记并享有悬挂其国旗的权利。

2. 本公约缔约国内的船舶所有人或承租人从事光船租赁活动时,应完全遵守本公约所载的登记条件。

3. 当船舶系光船租进时,为了确保本公约规定得到遵守,并为了适用本公约的规定,承租人将视为所有人。但除光船租赁合同中规定的所有权之外,本公约不具有规定租用的船舶的任何所有权的效力。

4. 一国应按照本条第1至第3款确保以光船租进并悬挂其国旗的船舶完全受其管辖和控制。

5. 以光船租进的船舶的登记国须确保前船旗国被告知以光船租进的船舶的登记已注销。

6. 除本条规定者外,有关光船租赁关系的一切条款与条件均由有关各方以合同方式处理。

第13条 合营企业

1. 本公约缔约国应根据其本国政策、法律和本公约所载的船舶登记条件,促进不同国家的船舶所有人之间的合营企业,并应为此作出适当安排,尤其是包括通过保障合营企业各当事方的合同权利,促进此类合营企业的建立,以发展本国航运业。

2. 应邀请地区性和国际金融机构和援助机构视情况协助发展中国家,特别是其中最不发达国家建立和/或加强航运业中的合营企业。

第14条 保护劳工提供国利益的措施

1. 为了保护劳工提供国的利益和减少这些国家,特别是发展中国家内因本公约的实施而出现的劳工转移及随之可能引起的经济混乱,应立即实施本公约所附决议1中载明的措施。

2. 为创造有利于船舶所有人或经营人同海员工会或其他代表海员的机构订立任何合同或协议的条件,船旗国和劳工提供国之间可就劳工提供国海员的雇佣问题达成双边协议。

第15条 减少不利经济影响的措施


第16条 保管人


第17条 执 行




第18条 签字、批准、接受、核准和加入

1. 所有国家均有权通过下列方式成为本公约的缔约国:

(a) 签字而无须再批准、接受或核准;或

(b) 签字而有待批准、接受或核准,随后再予批准、接受或核准;或

(c) 加入。

2. 本公约从1986年5月1日至1987年4月30日(含1987年4月30日)在纽约联合国总部开放供签字,其后继续开放供加入。

3. 批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书应交存保管人。

第19条 生 效

1. 本公约在合计吨位至少达世界总吨位百分之二十五的不少于40个国家根据第18条成为缔约国之日起12个月之后生效。在本条中,吨位是指本公约附件Ⅲ中所载的吨位。

2. 对于本条第1款所规定生效条件满足后成为本公约缔约国的每个国家,本公约自该国成为缔约国12个月后对其生效。

第20条 审查和修正

1. 在本公约生效之日起八年届满之后,缔约国可以通过致函联合国秘书长,提出对本公约的具体修正案,并要求召开审查会议审议所提出的修正案。秘书长须将此种函件散发给所有缔约国。如果在散发函件之日起12个月以内有不少于五分之二的缔约国作出同意此要求的答复,秘书长须召集审查会议。

2. 联合国秘书长须在审查会议召开日期之前至少六个月将任何有关修正案的提案文本或有关修正案的意见,散发给所有缔约国。

第21条 修正案的生效

1. 审查会议有关修正案的决定须以协商一致的方式作出,或应要求由出席并参加表决的缔约国三分之二多数作出。此种审查会议通过的修正案由联合国秘书长送交所有缔约国批准、接受或核准,并送交公约所有签字国参考。

2. 对审查会议所通过的修正案的批准、接受或核准,应向保管人交存相应的正式文件。

3. 审查会议所通过的修正案在其获得三分之二缔约国批准、接受或核准之日起满一年后第一个月第一天,只对那些已批准、接受或核准该修正案的缔约国生效。对于在修正案已获得三分之二缔约国批准、接受或核准之后才批准、接受或核准该修正案的国家,修正案在该国批准、接受或核准之日起满一年以后生效。

4. 在一项修正案生效之后成为本公约缔约国的任何国家,如不表明不同的意向,则:

(a) 视为修正后的本公约的缔约国,而且

(b) 在与不受该修正案约束的本公约任何缔约国的关系上,视为未经修正的本公约的缔约国。

第22条 退 出

1. 任何缔约国均可在任何时间书面通知保管人退出本公约。

2. 此种退出应于保管人收到通知之日后一年届满时生效,除非通知中载明了更长的期限。



附件Ⅰ 第1号决议 保护劳工提供国利益的措施




1. 劳工提供国应调整受其管辖的、为悬挂另一国国旗的船舶提供海员的机构的活动,以确保这些机构提出的合同条款能防止弊端,增进海员福利。为保护本国海员,劳工提供国可要求雇佣本国海员的船舶的所有人或经营人或其他有关机构提供,特别是,第10条所述形式的适当担保;

2. 提供劳工的发展中国家可相互磋商,尽可能按照这些原则协调其有关提供劳工条件的政策,并可在必要时,协调这方面的立法;

3. 联合国贸易与发展会议、联合国开发计划署及其他有关国际机构应按请求,在考虑本公约情况下,协助提供劳工的发展中国家制定适当的船舶登记法律,吸引船舶在这些国家登记;

4. 国际劳工组织应按请求,协助劳工提供国采取措施,以减少劳工提供国内因本公约的通过而可能出现的劳工转移及随之引起的经济混乱;

5. 联合国系统内的有关国际组织应按请求,协助劳工提供国教育和培训其海员,包括提供培训设施和设备。

附件Ⅱ 第2号决议 减少不利经济影响的措施








The States Parties to this Convention,

Recognising the need to promote the orderly expansion of world shipping as a whole,

Recalling General Assembly resolution 35/56 of 5 December 1980, the annex to which contains the International Development Strategy for the Third United Nations Development Decade, which called, inter alia, in paragraph 128, for an increase in the participation by developing countries in world transport of international trade,

Recalling also that according to the 1958 Geneva Convention on the

High Seas and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea there must exist a genuine link between a ship and a flag State and conscious of the duties of the flag State to exercise effectively its jurisdiction and control over ships flying its flag in accordance with the principle of the genuine link,

Believing that to this end a flag State should have a competent and adequate national maritime administration,

Believing also that in order to exercise its control function effectively a flag State should ensure that those who are responsible for the management and operation of a ship on its register are readily identifiable and accountable,

Believing further that measures to make persons responsible for ships more readily identifiable and accountable could assist in the task of combating maritime fraud,

Reaffirming, without prejudice to this Convention, that each State shall fix the conditions for the grant of its nationality to ships, for the registration of ships in its territory and for the right to fly its flag,

Prompted by the desire among sovereign States to resolve in a spirit of mutual understanding and co-operation all issues relating to the conditions for the grant of nationality to, and for the registration of, ships,

Considering that nothing in this Convention shall be deemed to prejudice any provisions in the national laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties to this Convention, which exceed the provisions contained herein,

Recognizing the competences of the specialized agencies and other institutions of the United Nations system as contained in their respective constitutional instruments, taking into account arrangements which may have been concluded between the United Nations and the agencies, and between individual agencies and institutions in specific fields,

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1 Objectives

For the purpose of ensuring or, as the case may be, strengthening the genuine link between a State and ships flying its flag, and in order to exercise effectively its jurisdiction and control over such ships with regard to identification and accountability of shipowners and operators as well as with regard to administrative, technical, economic and social matters, a flag State shall apply the provisions contained in this Convention.

Article 2 Definitions

For the purposes of this Convention:

"Ship" means any self-propelled sea-going vessel used in international seaborne trade for the transport of goods, passengers, or both with the exception of vessels of less than 500 gross registered tons;

"Flag State" means a State whose flag a ship flies and is entitled to fly;

"Owner" or "shipowner" means, unless clearly indicated otherwise, any natural or juridical person recorded in the register of ships of the State of registration as an owner of a ship;

"Operator" means the owner or bareboat charterer, or any other natural or juridical person to whom the responsibilities of the owner or bareboat charterer have been formally assigned;

"State of registration" means the State in whose register of ships a ship has been entered;

"Register of ships" means the official register or registers in which particulars referred to in Article 11 of this Convention are recorded;

"National maritime administration" means any State authority or agency which is established by the State of registration in accordance with its legislation and which, pursuant to that legislation, is responsible, inter alia, for the implementation of international agreements concerning maritime transport and for the application of rules and standards concerning ships under its jurisdiction and control;

"Bareboat charter" means a contract for the lease of a ship, for a

stipulated period of time, by virtue of which the lessee has complete possession and control of the ship, including the right to appoint the master and crew of the ship, for the duration of the lease;

"Labour-supplying country" means a country which provides seafarers

for service on a ship flying the flag of another country.

Article 3 Scope of Application

This Convention shall apply to all ships as defined in Article 2.

Article 4 General Provisions

1. Every State, whether coastal or land-locked, has the right to sail

ships flying its flag on the high seas.

2. Ships have the nationality of the State whose flag they are

entitled to fly.

3. Ships shall sail under the flag of one State only.

4. No ships shall be entered in the registers of ships of two or more

States at a time, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of Article 11 and to Article 12.

5. A ship may not change its flag during a voyage or while in a port of call, save in the case of a real transfer of ownership or change of registry.

Article 5 National Maritime Administration

1. The flag State shall have a competent and adequate national maritime administration, which shall be subject to its jurisdiction and control.

2. The flag State shall implement applicable international rules and standards concerning, in particular, the safety of ships and persons on board and the prevention of pollution of the marine environment.

3. The maritime administration of the flag State shall ensure:

(a) That ships flying the flag of such State comply with its laws and regulations concerning registration of ships and with applicable international rules and standards concerning, in particular, the safety of ships and persons on board and the prevention of pollution of the marine environment;

(b) That ships flying the flag of such State are periodically surveyed by its authorized surveyors in order to ensure compliance with applicable international rules and standards;

(c)That ships flying the flag of such State carry on board documents, in particular, those evidencing the right to fly its flag and other valid relevant documents, including those required by international conventions to which the State of registration is a Party;

(d) That the owners of ships flying the flag of such State comply with

the principles of registration of ships in accordance with the law and

regulations of such State and the provisions of this Convention.

4. The State of registration shall require all the appropriate

information necessary for full identification and accountability

concerning ships flying its flag.

Article 6 Identification and Accountability

1. The State of registrations shall enter in its register of ships, inter alia, information concerning the ship and its owner or owners.

Information concerning the operator, when the operator is not the owner, should be included in the register of ships or in the official record of operators to be maintained in the office of the Registrar or be readily accessible to him, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State of registration. The State of registration shall issue documentation as evidence of the registration of the ship.

2. The State of registration shall take such measures as are necessary to ensure that the owner or owners, the operator or operators, or any other person or persons who can be held accountable for the management and operation of ships flying its flag can be easily identified by persons having a legitimate interest in obtaining such information.

3. Registers of ships should be available to those with a legitimate interest in obtaining information contained therein, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the flag State.

4. A State should ensure that ships flying its flag carry documentation including information about the identity of the owner or owners, the operator or operators or the person or persons accountable for the operation of such ships, and make available such information to port State authorities.

5. Log-books should be kept on all ships and retained for a reasonable period after the date of the last entry, notwithstanding any change in a ship’s name, and should be available for inspection and copying by persons having a legitimate interest in obtaining such information, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the flag State. In the event of a ship being sold and its registration being changed to another State, log-books relating to the period before such sale should be retained and should be available for inspection and copying by persons having a legitimate interest in obtaining such information, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the former flag State.

6. A State shall take necessary measures to ensure that ships it

enters in its register of ships have owners or operators who are

adequately identifiable for the purpose of ensuring their full


7. A State should ensure that direct contact between owners of ships flying its flag and its government authorities is not restricted.

Article 7 Participation by Nationals in the Ownership and/or Manning of hips With respect to the provisions concerning manning and ownership of ships as contained in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 8 and paragraphs 1 to 3 of Article 9, respectively, and without prejudice to the application of any other provisions of this Convention, a State of registration has to comply either with the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 8 or with the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3 of Article 9, but may comply with both.

Article 8 Ownership of Ships

1. Subject to the provisions of Article 7, the flag state shall provide in its laws and regulations for the ownership of ships flying its flag.

2. Subject to the provisions of Article 7, in such laws and regulations the flag State shall include appropriate provisions for participation by that State or its nationals as owners of ships flying its flag or in the ownership of such ships and for the level of such participation. These laws and regulations should be sufficient to permit the flag State to exercise effectively its jurisdiction and control over ships flying its flag.

Article 9 Manning of Ships

1. Subject to the provisions of Article 7, a State of registration, when implementing this Convention, shall observe the principle that a satisfactory part of the complement consisting of officers and crew of ships flying its flag be nationals or persons domiciled or lawfully in permanent residence in that State.

2. Subject to the provisions of Article 7 and in pursuance of the goal set out in paragraph 1 of this Article, and in taking necessary measures to this end, the State of registration shall have regard to the following:

(a) the availability of qualified seafarers within the State of registration;

(b) multilateral or bilateral agreements or other types of arrangements valid and enforceable pursuant to the legislation of the State of registration;

(c)the sound and economically viable operation of its ships.

3. The State of registration should implement the provision of paragraph 1 of this Article on a ship, company or fleet basis.

4. The State of registration, in accordance with its laws and regulations, may allow persons of other nationalities to serve on board ships flying its flag in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Convention.

5. In pursuance of the goal set out in paragraph 1 of this Article, the State of registration should, in co-operation with shipowners, promote the education and training of its nationals or persons domiciled or lawfully in permanent residence within its territory.

6. The State of registration shall ensure:

(a) that the manning of ships flying its flag is of such a level and

competence as to ensure compliance with applicable international rules and standards, in particular those regarding safety at sea;

(b) that the terms and conditions of employment on board ships flying

its flag are in conformity with applicable international rules and


(c) that adequate legal procedures exist for the settlement of civil disputes between seafarers employed on ships flying its flag and their employers;

(d) that nationals and foreign seafarers have equal access to appropriate legal processes to secure their contractual rights in their relations with their employers.

Article 10 Role of Flag States in Respect of the Management of Shipowning Companies and Ships

1. The State of registration, before entering a ship in its register of ships, shall ensure that the shipowning company or a subsidiary shipowning company is established and/or has its principal place of business within its territory in accordance with its laws and regulations.

2. Where the shipowning company or a subsidiary shipowning company or the principal place of business of the shipowning company is not established in the flag State, the latter shall ensure, before entering a ship in its register of ships, that there is a representative or management person who shall be a national of the flag State, or be domiciled therein. Such a representative or management person may be a natural or juridical person who is duly established or incorporated in the flag State, as the case may be, in accordance with its laws and regulations, and duly empowered to act on the shipowner’s behalf and account. In particular, this representative or management person should be available for any legal process and to meet the shipowner’s responsibilities in accordance with the laws and regulations of the State of registration.

3. The State of registration should ensure that the person or persons accountable for the management and operation of a ship flying its flag are in a position to meet the financial obligations that may arise from the operation of such a ship to cover risks which are normally insured in international maritime transportation in respect of damage to third parties. To this end the State of registration should ensure that ships flying its flag are in a position to provide at all times documents evidencing that an adequate guarantee, such as appropriate insurance or any other equivalent means, has been arranged. Furthermore, the State of registration should ensure that an appropriate mechanism, such as a maritime lien, mutual fund, wage insurance, social security scheme, or any governmental guarantee provided by an appropriate agency of the State of the accountable person, whether that person is an owner or operator, exists to cover wages and related moneys owed to seafarers employed on ships flying its flag in the event of default of payment by their employers. The State of registration may also provide for any other appropriate mechanism to that effect in its laws and regulations.

Article 11 Register of Ships

1. A State of registration shall establish a register of ships flying its flag, which register shall be maintained in a manner determined by that State and in conformity with the relevant provisions of this Convention. Ships entitled by the laws and regulations of a State to fly its flag shall be entered in this register in the name of the owner or owners or, where national laws and regulations so provide, the bareboat charterer.

2. Such register shall, inter alia, record the following:

(a) the name of the ship and the previous name and registry if any;

(b) the place or port of registration or home port and the official number or mark of identification of the ship; the international call sign of the ship, if assigned;

(d) the name of the builders, place of build and year of building of the ship;

(e) the description of the main technical characteristics of the ship;

(f) the name, address and, as appropriate, the nationality of the

owner or of each of the owners; and, unless recorded in another public document readily accessible to the Registrar in the flag State:

(g) the date of deletion or suspension of the previous registration of the ship;

(h) the name, address and, as appropriate, the nationality of the bareboat charterer, where national laws and regulations provide for the registration of ships bareboat chartered-in.

(i) the particulars of any mortgages or other similar charges upon the ship as stipulated by national laws and regulations.

3. Furthermore, such register should also record:

(a) if there is more than one owner, the proportion of the ship owned by each;

(b) the name, address and, as appropriate, the nationality of the operator, when the operator is not the owner or the bareboat charterer.

4. Before entering a ship in its register of ships a State should assure itself that the previous registration, if any, is deleted.

5. In the case of a ship bareboat chartered-in a State should assure itself that right to fly the flag of the former flag State is suspended. Such registration shall be effected on production of evidence, indicating suspension of previous registration as regards the nationality of the ship under the former flag State and indicating particulars of any registered encumbrances.

Article 12 Bareboat Charter

1. Subject to the provisions of Article 11 and in accordance with its laws and regulations a State may grant registration and the right to fly its flag to a ship bareboat chartered-in by a charterer in that State, for the period of that charter.

2. When shipowners or charterers in States Parties to this Convention enter into such bareboat charter activities, the conditions of registration contained in this Convention should be fully complied with.

3. To achieve the goal of compliance and for the purpose of applying the requirements of this agreement in the case of a ship so bareboat chartered-in the charterer will be considered to be the owner. This Convention, however, does not have the effect of providing for any ownership rights in the chartered ship other than those stipulated in the particular bareboat charter contract.

4. A State should ensure that a ship bareboat chartered-in and flying its flag, pursuant to paragraphs 1 to 3 of this Article, will be subject to its full jurisdiction and control.

5. The State where the bareboat chartered-in ship is registered shall ensure that the former flag State is notified of the deletion of the registration of the bareboat chartered ship.

6. All terms and conditions, other than those specified in this

Article, relating to the relationship of the parties to a bareboat charter are left to the contractual disposal of those parties.

Article 13 Joint Ventures

1. Contracting Parties to this Convention, in conformity with their national policies, legislation and the conditions for registration of ships contained in this Convention, should promote joint ventures between shipowners of different countries, and should, to this end, adopt appropriate arrangements, inter alia, by safeguarding the contractual rights of the parties to joint ventures, to further the establishment of such joint ventures in order to develop the national shipping industry.

2. Regional and international financial institutions and aid agencies should be invited to contribute, as appropriate, to the establishment and/or strengthening of joint ventures in the shipping industry of developing countries, particularly in the least developed among them.

Article 14 Measures to Protect the Interests of Labour-supplying Countries

1. For the purpose of safeguarding the interests of labour-supplying countries and of minimizing labour displacement and consequent economic dislocation, if any, within these countries, particularly developing countries, as a result of the adoption of this Convention, urgency should be given to the implementation, inter alia, of the measures as contained in Resolution 1 annexed to this Convention.

2. In order to create favourable conditions for any contract or arrangement that may be entered into by shipowners or operators and the trade unions of seamen or other representative seamen bodies, bilateral agreements may be concluded between flag States and labour-supplying countries concerning the employment of seafarers of those labour-supplying countries.

Article 15 Measures to Minimize Adverse Economic Effects For the purpose of minimizing adverse economic effects that might occur within developing countries, in the process of adapting and implementing conditions to meet the requirements established by this Convention, urgency should be given, inter alia, to the measures as contained in Resolution 2 annexed to this Convention.

Article 16 Depositary

The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall be the depositary of this Convention.

Article 17 Implementation

1. Contracting Parties shall take any legislative or other measures necessary to implement this Convention.

2. Each Contracting Party shall, at appropriate times, communicate to the depositary the texts of any legislative or other measures which it has taken in order to implement this Convention.

3. The depositary shall transmit upon request to Contracting Parties the texts of the legislative or other measures which have been communicated to him pursuant to paragraph 2 of this Article.

Article 18 Signature, Ratification, Acceptance, Approval and Accession

1. All States are entitled to become Contracting Parties to this

Convention by:

(a) signature not subject to ratification, acceptance or approval; or

(b) signature subject to and followed by ratification, acceptance or

approval; or accession.

2. This Convention shall be open for signature from 1 May 1986 to and including 30 April 1987, at the headquarters of United Nations in New York and shall thereafter remain open for accession.

3. Instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession shall be deposited with the depositary.

Article 19 Entry into force

1. This Convention shall enter into force 12 months after the date on which not less than 40 States, the combined tonnage of which amounts to at least 25 per cent of world tonnage, have become Contracting Parties to it in accordance with Article 18. For the purpose of this Article the tonnage shall be deemed to be that contained in annex III to this Convention.

2. For each State which becomes a Contracting Party to this Convention after the conditions for entry into force under paragraph 1 of this Article have been met, the Convention shall enter into force for that State twelve months after that State has become a Contracting Party.

Article 20 Review and Amendments

1. After the expiry of a period of eight years from the date of entry into force of this Convention, a Contracting Party may, by written communication addressed to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, propose specific amendments to this Convention and request the convening of a review conference to consider such proposed amendments. The Secretary-General shall circulate such communication to all Contracting Parties. If, within 12 months from the date of the circulation of the communication, not less than two-fifths of the Contracting Parties reply favourably to the request, the Secretary-General shall convene the Review Conference.

2. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall circulate to all

Contracting Parties the texts of any proposals for, or views regarding amendments, at least six months before the opening date of the Review Conference.

Article 21 Effect of Amendments

1. The decisions of a review conference regarding amendments shall be taken by consensus or, upon request, by a vote of a two-thirds majority of the Contracting Parties present and voting. Amendments adopted by such a conference shall be communicated by the Secretary General of the United Nations to all the Contracting parties for ratification, acceptance, or approval and to all the States signatories of the Convention for information.

2. Ratification, acceptance or approval of amendments adopted by a review conference shall be effected by the deposit of a formal instrument to that effect with the depositary.

3. Any amendment adopted by a review conference shall enter into force only for those Contracting Parties which have ratified, accepted or approved it, on the first day of the month following one year after its ratification, acceptance or approval by two-thirds of the Contracting Parties. For any State ratifying, accepting or approving an amendment after it has been ratified, accepted or approved by two-thirds of the Contracting Parties, the amendment shall enter into force one year after its ratification, acceptance or approval by that State.

4. Any State which becomes a Contracting Party to this Convention after the entry into force of an amendment shall, failing an expression of a different intention by that State:

(a) Be considered as a Party to this Convention as amended; and

(b) Be considered as a Party to the unamended Convention in relation to any Contracting Party not bound by the amendment.

Article 22 Denunciation

1. Any Contracting Party may denounce this Convention at any time by means of a notification in writing to this effect addressed to the depositary.

2. Such denunciation shall take effect on the expiration of one year after the notification is received by the depositary, unless a longer period has been specified in the notification.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the under signed, being duly authorized thereto, have affixed their signatures hereunder on the dates indicated.

DONE at Geneva on 7 February 1986 in one original in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, all texts being equally authentic.

Annex I: Resolution 1

Measures to protect the interests of labour-supplying countries

The United Nations Conference on Conditions for Registration of Ships, Having adopted the United Nations Convention on Conditions for Registration of Ships, ecommends as follows:

1. Labour-supplying countries should regulate the activities of the agencies within their jurisdiction that supply seafarers for ships flying the flag of another country in order to ensure that the contractual terms offered by those agencies will prevent abuses and contribute to the welfare of seafarers. For the protection of their seafarers, labour-supplying countries may require, inter alia, suitable security of the type mentioned in Article 10 from the owners or operators of ships employing such seafarers or from other appropriate bodies;

2. Labour-supplying developing countries may consult each other in order to harmonize as much as possible their policies concerning the conditions upon which they will supply labour in accordance with these principles and may, if necessary, harmonize their legislation in this respect;

3. UNCTAD, UNDP and other appropriate international bodies should upon request provide assistance to labour-supplying developing countries for establishing appropriate legislation for registration of ships and attracting ships to their registers, taking into account this Convention;

4. The ILO should upon request provide assistance to labour-supplying countries for the adoption of measures in order to minimize labour displacement and consequent economic dislocation, if any, within labour-supplying countries which might result from the adoption of this Convention;

5. Appropriate international organizations within the United Nations system should upon request provide assistance to labour-supplying countries for the education and training of their seafarers, including the provision of training and equipment facilities.

Annex II: Resolution 2

Measures to minimize adverse economic effects

The United Nations Conference on Conditions for Registration of Ships, Having adopted the United Nations Convention on Conditions for Registration of Ships,

Recommends as follows:

1. UNCTAD, UNDP, IMO and other appropriate international bodies should provide, upon request, technical and financial assistance to those countries which may be affected by this Convention in order to formulate and implement modern and effective legislation for the development of their fleet in accordance with the provisions of this Convention;

2. ILO and other appropriate international organizations should also provide, upon request, assistance to those countries for the preparation and implementation of educational and training programmes for their seafarers as may be necessary;

3. UNDP, the World Bank and other appropriate international organizations should provide to those countries, upon request, technical and financial assistance for the implementation of alternative national development plans, programmes and projects to overcome economic dislocation which might result from the adoption of this Convention.

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